Microsoft XML parser version 4 released (Comments) - exploring XML | WebReference

Microsoft XML parser version 4 released (Comments) - exploring XML

Microsoft XML parser version 4 released

Code snippet

Alert reader Alastair Hamilton sent in a code snippet for determining which version of the Microsoft XML parser is loaded. Thank you!

"You wanted to know how to determine which XML Parser is loaded:"

Try creating a version of the XML DOM and see if it fails.

Set sxhr = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
If Err.Number  0 Then
  bDOM = false

The above would check for the basic XMLParser, so to check for the latest:

Set sxhr = CreateObject("Microsoft.DOMDocument.4.0")
If Err.Number  0 Then
     bDOM4 = false

Produced by Michael Claßen

Created: Oct 29, 2001
Revised: Oct 29, 2001