RSS Applet Configurator (4/4) - exploring XML
RSS Applet Configurator
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<A name="1"></A> <H2>Colors</H2> <TABLE> <TD> EOF foreach my $colourParam (@colourParams) { print <<EOF; <INPUT type="radio" name="selector" onclick="javascript:setFormField(document.forms[0].$colourParam)"> $colourParam: <INPUT name="$colourParam" size="8"><br> EOF } print <<EOF; <TD> @colorchooser </TABLE>Next we print out the names of the color parameters and add a text field for the RGB value as well as a radio button for interfacing with the color chooser.
<H2>Fonts</H2> EOF foreach my $fontParam (@fontParams) { print <<EOF; $fontParam: family <SELECT name="${fontParam}_font_family"> <OPTION> <OPTION value="sansserif">sansserif</OPTION> <OPTION value="serif">serif</OPTION> <OPTION value="dialog">dialog</OPTION> </SELECT> size: <INPUT name="${fontParam}_font_size" size="3"> style: <SELECT name="${fontParam}_font_style"> <OPTION></OPTION> <OPTION value="bold">bold</OPTION> <OPTION value="italic">italic</OPTION> <OPTION value="bolditalic">bolditalic</OPTION> </SELECT><BR> EOF } print <<EOF; <INPUT type="submit" value="Preview!"> </FORM> EOF }Following the same lines we add controls for each font property: Dropdowns for font family and style, a text box for font size.
sub PrintPreview($query) { my $src = $query->param('src'); my $snippet = "<APPLET code=com.exploringxml.rss.applet.RSSViewerApplet.class archive=/xml/rssApplet.jar>\n<PARAM name=src value=$src>\n"; foreach my $colourParam (@colourParams) { my $colour = $query->param($colourParam); $colourParam =~ s/_/./g; $snippet .= "<PARAM name=$colourParam value=$colour>\n" if ($colour ne ''); } foreach my $fontParam (@fontParams) { my $family = $query->param($fontParam."_font_family"); $snippet .= "<PARAM name=$ value=$family>\n" if ($family ne ''); my $size = $query->param($fontParam."_font_size"); $snippet .= "<PARAM name=$fontParam.font.size value=$size>\n" if ($size ne ''); my $style = $query->param($fontParam."_font_style"); $snippet .= "<PARAM name=$ value=$style>\n" if ($style ne ''); } $snippet .= "</APPLET>\n"; print <<EOF; $snippet <FORM> <TEXTAREA rows=10 cols=80>$snippet</TEXTAREA> </FORM> EOF }
The preview page is assembled in the variable snippet
that gets both included in the HTML and printed in the text area,
so that what-you-see-is-what-you-get. Every CGI parameter that
is passed from the configuration page to the preview page is turned
into the appropriate applet property.
This is just one example how HTML + JavaScript, Java applets, Perl CGIs and XML-based data can come together to build a coherent solution.
Produced by Michael Claßen
Created: Jan 27, 2000
Revised: Jan 27, 2000