Inside Camtasia Studio 5: Part 6 | WebReference

Inside Camtasia Studio 5: Part 6


Inside Camtasia Studio 5: Part 6

By Nathan Segal.

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This week is the wrapup for this series. We're going to have a look at recording, editing and producing PowerPoint recordings, and additional tips.

Assuming you've just launched Camtasia Studio, you can click on New PowerPoint Recording in the Welcome window, or,

if Camtasia Studio is already running, go to the Task List, then click on the Record PowerPoint heading.

If you've never recorded PowerPoint presentations, you'll see the above dialog box that offers you a tutorial about the recording process as slides in PowerPoint.

The third way of recording PowerPoint presentations is by using the Add-In tab within PowerPoint. You'll need to have enabled this option when you installed Camtasia Studio 5. If not, make sure that Camtasia Studio 5 is running, then go to the menu bar and choose Tools: Options.

In the Options dialog box, select the PowerPoint tab and check Enable PowerPoint Add-In and click on OK. When you start PowerPoint for the first time, you'll see the welcome screen for the PowerPoint Add-In, which will also load the tutorial mentioned above.

Note: If you're using PowerPoint 2007, you'll need to click on the Add-Ins tab to view the PowerPoint menu bar. Since I don't have that version, I'm unable to show you that. In my version (2003), the menu bar displays on the screen once PowerPoint is launched.

Before beginning your recording, you'll notice a couple of options. One is the microphone icon, the other is the webcam icon. If you have a microphone and camera connected to your computer, you can record both as you record your PowerPoint presentation. It's possible to see a video preview by clicking on the show camera preview button, which will bring up a picture-in-picure window.


Created: June 5, 2003
Revised: January 17, 2008