XSLT 2.0 Web Development: Elements of a Web Site. Pt. 1
XSLT 2.0 Web Development: Elements of a Web Site. Pt. 1.
Reproduced from "XSLT 2.0 Web Development (Kirsanov)" by permission of Prentice Hall PTR. ISBN 0131406353, copyright 2004. All rights reserved. See https://www.phptr.com for more information.
This chapter is a practical complement for
I cannot claim to cover everything: Your web site may well contain unique elements
that won’t fit common schemes. Here, only the most general and frequently
used constructs are covered, and the approaches described in this chapter may
not be optimal for all situations. Many examples are given, but rather than
copy them over, try to use the reasoning behind these examples to analyze your
own constraints
The first part of the chapter deals with markup constructs commonly used
in page documents, including headings, paragraphs and paragraph-like elements,
links, images and other non-XML objects,
3.1. Page documents: top-level structures
In this and subsequent sections, we look at the informational core of a web
page, stored in its own source document (page document). Peripheral
components such as navigation, parameters of the site environment, and metadata
are stored in the master document, the subject of
3.1.1. Page metadata
Every XML document has a root element, and since we’re talking about
page documents here, there’s no reason not to call this element page.
Its attributes and children are the natural place to store the
In addition to its primary content, each page document includes certain metadata. Some of it may end up as a visible part of the web page, some may be hidden in HTML metadata constructs (keywords and descriptions in meta elements), some may be used during transformation but not included in the resulting HTML code, and some may not be used at all except for reference or source annotation purposes. Common examples of metadata include page creation date, change log, author(s) and editor(s), copyright and licensing information, and the language of the page.
Note that only information specific to this particular page must
be stored in it; if some metadata bits are shared by more than one page, their
proper place is in the master document (
Page ID. The most important piece of metadata is the page’s
unique identifier used to resolve internal links (
Page coordinates.The same applies to the information on the
position occupied by this page in the site’s hierarchy. As we’ll
see later (
Everything else.Any other page metadata is normally stored in the page document. Simple values can be stored in attributes of the page’s root element. More complex constructs that require their own elements can be placed either directly under the root or inside an umbrella parent element (e.g., metadata) that is a child of the root element.
Existing vocabularies. RDF (
Created: March 27, 2003
Revised: May 17, 2004
URL: https://webreference.com/programming/xsltweb/1