MySQL and Perl for the Web: Chapter 3 Section 1 (2/3) | WebReference

MySQL and Perl for the Web: Chapter 3 Section 1 (2/3)

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Improving Performance with mod_perl

These benefits do come at a price, of course. There are also some disadvantages to using mod_perl:

I've listed more disadvantages than advantages, which you may find alarming. However, most of the disadvantages are one-time issues. Apache configuration is more complicated with mod_perl, but after you get things set up the way you want them, you usually can leave your configuration alone. A script that needs some modification to run as a good citizen under mod_perl generally needs to be fixed once, not multiple times.

The benefits, on the other hand, are continuous. Having scripts run faster with mod_perl than when executed as standalone programs is a benefit you enjoy for as long as you continue to use Apache. The amount of improvement varies from site to site, but the mod_perl Guide indicates that developers report scripts running anywhere from 2 to 20 times faster than the equivalent standalone versions. See Appendix B for other reports of user experiences.

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Created: June 26, 2001
Revised: June 26, 2001