A Slide-Show Presentation via SVG - Part 1 of Chapter 7 from Perl Graphics Programming (4/4) | WebReference

A Slide-Show Presentation via SVG - Part 1 of Chapter 7 from Perl Graphics Programming (4/4)

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Perl Graphics Programming, Chapter 7: Creating SVG with Perl

Now create the final, top-level SVG graphic. Add an image (if specified in the original template) to the upper left corner.

    my $toplevel = new IO::Scalar;
    $writer = XML::Writer->new(OUTPUT=>$toplevel);
                   height => $height,
                   width  => $width,
    $writer->emptyTag('rect',              # Draw a colored background 
                      height => $height,
                      width  => $width,
                      fill   => '#EEEEEE'); 
    if (defined($s->{'image'})) {            # Add the image 
                          x => 20,
                          y => 20,
                          width => 100,
                          height => 100,
                         'xlink:href' => $s->{'image'});

Add a scaled group that contains the text block SVG. We have the complete SVG code sitting in the $textblock scalar; add it to the top-level SVG. We have to print it directly because the characters( ) method escapes all of the special characters.

                      id => 'SlideBody',
                      transform => "translate(130, 20) scale($scale)");
    print $toplevel $textblock;
    $writer->endTag('g');          # End the group

Add the Next and Previous navigation buttons:

    my $prev = $n-1;
    my $next = $n+1;
    unless ($prev < 1) {       # Previous button
                          'xlink:href' => "slide$prev.svg"
                          transform => "translate(20, 380)", 
                          style => 'font-size:72;fill:#000000');
        print $toplevel "&#x2190;";    # A Unicode left arrow
    unless ($next > $max) {    # Next button
                          'xlink:href' => "slide$next.svg"
                          transform => "translate(20, 360)", 
                          style => 'font-size:72;fill:#000000');
        print $toplevel "&#x2192;";    # A Unicode right arrow
    $writer->end(  );

Finally, create the slide SVG in the specified subdirectory:

    open(OUT, ">$dir/slide$n.svg") or 
       die "Couldn't open $dir/slide$n.svg!"; 
    print OUT $toplevel;
    close OUT;

The dereference( ) subroutine is needed because of the slightly inconsistent manner in which XML::Simple represents the XML tree. If the parameter is an array reference, dereference and return it. Otherwise, return the parameter unchanged.

sub dereference {
    my $ref = shift;
    if (ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY') {
        return (@$ref);
    } else {
        return ($ref);

The next section deals with the specifics of the animation tags. [To be continued in part 2. -Ed.]

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Created: February 12, 2003
Revised: February 12, 2003

URL: https://webreference.com/programming/perl/chap7/1/4.html