WebReference.com - Excerpts from mod_perl Developer's Cookbook, from Sams Publishing | WebReference

WebReference.com - Excerpts from mod_perl Developer's Cookbook, from Sams Publishing

mod_perl Developer's Cookbook

mod_perl Developer's Cookbook Book Cover
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Authors: Geoffrey Young
Paul Lindner
Randy Kobes
ISBN: 0672322404
Price: $39.99 US
Pages: 650
Pub: Sams Publishing

Book overview (from the introduction)

Day-to-day mod_perl development consists, to some degree, of figuring out how to do something that someone else has already mapped out. One of the benefits of open-source programming is that if you keep up with the latest mailing lists, newsgroups, and online periodicals, you do not have to struggle over the same four or five lines of idiomatic code that someone else is already willing to share with you. Unfortunately, gleaning all that can be obtained from these sources without spending an inordinate amount of time doing so is practically impossible.

This book is a practical, hands-on guide that shows you how to exploit the power of mod_perl. Most of the recipes explore a particular problem by providing a working, real-world solution. Some examples are quite simple. Others are rather involved, and might take some time and thought to digest in their entirety. In either case, this book tries to present the material in an accessible, logical order such that you can either use it as a reference book or as an aid to begin "thinking in mod_perl."

Who is this book for?

This book is aimed mostly at Perl developers who want to use the power of Apache to create Web applications and deliver services. Beginners will find solutions that help them get going quickly. Advanced users will find useful nuggets of overlooked mod_perl features. Web site system administrators will find the installation and performance monitoring recipes useful.

In the discussions, it is assumed that the reader has a good background in Perl, a fair understanding of Apache, and understands the basic concepts of building a Web application, Web protocols, and HTML. In some of the more complex examples the book may assume a level of mastery that exceeds the typical audience.

About the Authors

Geoffrey Young is a frequent contributor to the mod_perl community and has written scores of mod_perl handlers, the most useful of which can be found on CPAN.

Paul Lindner manages, designs, and implements mod_perl applications at Critical Path. He is a long-time Internet and open-source developer, and was one of the founders of the Internet Gopher at the University of Minnesota.

Randy Kobes is a professor of physics at the University of Winnipeg who conducts research on chaos and fractals. He used mod_perl to establish a search engine for CPAN.

The authors maintain a Web site for the book at https://www.modperlcookbook.org/. There you will find a complete code repository for all the examples used throughout the book.

Book Excerpts

Created: March 18, 2002
Revised: March 18, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/programming/perl/cookbook/