JavaScript Example » Filling in Form Values from a New Window. | 2 | WebReference

JavaScript Example » Filling in Form Values from a New Window. | 2


Input #1

In the input field labeled "Input #1," please put any information you like. This is not a required field.

Input #2

Like input #1, input #2 is not a required field, and you can put any information you want into it.

Input #3

Input #3 is a required field. You must select one of the three available options.

Input #4

Input #4 is a radio button. You can pick either this one or you can pick input #5, but you cannot pick both. This field is not required.

Input #5

Input #5 is a radio button. Like input #4, you can pick either this radio button or you can pick input #4, but you cannot pick both of them. This field is not required.

Input #6

Input #6 is a checkbox. You can click it to check it and click it again to uncheck it. These are used for "yes or no" questions, where you can only choose yes (and check it) or no (and uncheck it).

Input #7

Input #7 is a text area. This is a large area where you can type in any text you like. This field is not required.