<title>Sudoku Puzzle Solver</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
String.prototype.erase = function(ch)
     return (this.split(ch)).join('');
function debug(sMsg)
     var oDebug = document.getElementById('debug');
     oDebug.innerHTML += sMsg;
function clrDebug()
     var oDebug = document.getElementById('debug');
     oDebug.innerHTML = '';
function SudokuCell(c,i,j,g)
     this.c = c;
     this.nRow = i;
     this.nColumn = j;
     this.nGroup = g;
SudokuCell.prototype.filter = function(c)
     var c2 = this.c.erase(c);
     if ( this.c == c2) return false;
     debug("[" + this.nRow + "][" + this.nCol + "]: " + this.c + "-->" + c2 + "<br>")
     this.c = c2;
     return true;
// Sudoku Puzzle class
function SudokuPuzzle(width,height,tokens)
     this.width = width;
     this.height = height;
     this.tokens = tokens.split('');
     this.grid = new Array();
     var i,j, n = width*height;
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
           var row = new Array();
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) row.push(' ');
     // iteration state
     this.nIteration = 0;
     this.nIdle = 0;
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.display = function(target, bInput)
     // display the puzzle in the target <DIV>
     if ( arguments.length < 2 ) bInput = false;
     var n = this.width * this.height;
     var i,j;
     // generate <table> of to display grid
     var html = new Array();
     html.push('<table border=2>');
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                 var bColour = ((Math.floor(i/this.height)%2) ^ (Math.floor(j/this.width)%2)) != 0;
                 var sColour = bColour ? "white" : "lime";
                 var sStyle = 'background:' + sColour + ';';
                 sStyle += " width:35px; height:30px;";
                 html.push('<td align=center valign=middle style="' + sStyle + '">');
                 if ( bInput ) html.push(this.displayInputCell(i,j));
                 else html.push(this.displayCell(i,j));
     target.innerHTML = html.join('');
function gridKey(oInput, evt)
     var e = evt ? evt : window.event;
     // check for arrow key
     var dx = 0;
     var dy = 0;
     switch ( e.keyCode )
           case 37: dx--; break; // left arrow
           case 38: dy--; break; // up arrow
           case 39: dx++; break; // right arrow
           case 40: dy++; break; // down arrow
           default: return;
     var sID = oInput.id.substring(7);
     var a = sID.split('_');
     var y = parseInt(a[0]);
     var x = parseInt(a[1]);
     x += dx;
     y += dy;
     var oInput2 = document.getElementById('sudoku_' + y + '_' + x);
     if ( oInput2 ) oInput2.focus();
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.displayInputCell = function(i,j)
     var value = this.grid[i][j];
     if ( value == ' ' ) value = '';
     var id = 'sudoku_' + i + '_' + j;
     return '<input style="width:30px" id="' + id +
                 '" value="' + value +
                 '" onkeydown="gridKey(this,event);">';
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.displayCell = function(i,j)
     var value = this.grid[i][j];
     var sStyle = "";
     if ( value == ' ' )
           // if no value supplied, display potential solutions
           if ( this.solution )
                 value = this.solution[i][j].c;    Â
                 if ( value.length > 1 ) sStyle += 'color:red';
           else value = ' ';
           // original values are displayed in bold.
           sStyle += 'font-weight:bold';
     return '<span style="' + sStyle + '">' + value + '</span>';
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.reset = function()
     delete this.solution;
     this.nIteration = 0;
     this.nIdle = 0;
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.isSolved = function()
     if ( !this.solution ) return false;
     var n = this.height * this.width;
     for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )
           for ( var j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                 var chr = this.solution[i][j].c;
                 if ( chr.length > 1 ) return false;
     return true;
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.initGrid = function()
     var i,j;
     var n = this.width * this.height;
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++)
           var r = thePuzzle.grid[i];
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++)
                var v = document.getElementById('sudoku_' + i + '_' + j).value;
                 if ( v != '' ) r[j] = v;
                 else r[j] = ' ';
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.initSolution = function()
     // initialise the solution state
     var sTokens = this.tokens.join('');
     var w = this.width;
     var h = this.height;
     var n = this.tokens.length;
     var i,j,k;
     // build 2D array of potential solutions
     var solution = this.solution = new Array();
     // and an array of group members
     var members = this.members = new Array();
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) members.push(new Array());
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
           var row = new Array();
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                 // calculate the group number
                 var nGroup = Math.floor(i/h) * h + Math.floor(j/w);
                 var c = this.grid[i][j] != ' ' ? this.grid[i][j] : sTokens;
                 var oChar = new SudokuCell(c,i,j,nGroup);
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.iterate = function()
     if ( !this.solution )
           return true;
     var nReturn = this.strategies[this.nIteration++ % this.strategies.length](this);
     if ( nReturn == -1 )
           // error
           return false;
     else if ( nReturn == 0 )
           // nothing changed
           if (++this.nIdle < this.strategies.length) return true;
                 debug("Cannot solve this puzzle");
           // something changed
           if ( this.isSolved() )
                 return false;
           this.nIdle = 0;
           return true;
SudokuPuzzle.prototype.strategies = [
     var nReturn = 0;
     debug('Eliminate dead certs in row/column/group<br>');
     var n = p.width * p.height;
     var i,j,k;
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                 // calculate group number
                 var g = Math.floor(i/p.height) * p.height + Math.floor(j/p.width);
                 // get the solution for this cell and check if it is final
                 var s = p.solution[i][j];
                 var c = s.c
                 if ( c.length > 1 ) continue;
                 // eliminate symbol from rest of row
                 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                       if ( (k != j) && p.solution[i][k].filter(c) ) nReturn++;
                 // eliminate symbol from rest of column
                 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                       if ( (k != i) && p.solution[k][j].filter(c) ) nReturn++;
                 // eliminate symbol from rest of group
                 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                       var m = p.members[g][k];
                       if ( (s !== m) && p.members[g][k].filter(c) ) nReturn++;
     return nReturn;
     // look for rows/columns/groups where a token appears only once
     var nReturn = 0;
     debug('Isolate individuals on each row/col/group<br>');
     var n = p.width * p.height;
     var i,j,k, t;
     var tCount;
     for ( t = 0; t < n; t++ )
           // for each token
           var token = p.tokens[t];
           // count its occurrence in each row
           for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                 tCount = 0;
                 for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                       if ( p.solution[i][j].c.search(token) >= 0 )
                             if ( tCount++ == 0 ) k = j;
                 // if more than one, move to the next row
                 if ( tCount > 1 ) continue;
                 // if not found, its an error
                 if ( tCount < 1 )
                       debug("Invalid cell state: token missing from row");
                       return -1;
                 if ( p.solution[i][k].c != token )
                       debug("[" + i + "]["+k+"]: " + p.solution[i][k].c + "-->" + token + "<br>")
                       p.solution[i][k].c = token;
           // columns
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                 tCount = 0;
                 for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                       if ( p.solution[i][j].c.search(token) >= 0 )
                             if ( tCount++ == 0 ) k = i;
                 // if more than one, move to the next row
                 if ( tCount > 1 ) continue;
                 // if not found, its an error
                 if ( tCount < 1 )
                       debug("Invalid cell state: token missing from row");
                       return -1;
                 if ( p.solution[k][j].c != token )
                       debug("[" + k + "]["+j+"]: " + p.solution[k][j].c + "-->" + token + "<br>")
                       p.solution[k][j].c = token;
           // groups
           for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                 tCount = 0;
                 for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                       if ( p.members[i][j].c.search(token) >= 0 )
                       if ( tCount++ == 0 ) k = j;
                 // if more than one, move to the next row
                 if ( tCount > 1 ) continue;
                 // if not found, its an error
                 if ( tCount < 1 )
                       debug("Invalid cell state: token missing from row");
                       return -1;
                 if ( p.members[i][k].c != token )
                       debug("[" + i + "]["+k+"]: " + p.members[i][k].c + "-->" + token + "<br>")
                       p.members[i][k].c = token;
     return nReturn;
     var nReturn = 0;
     debug('Look for patterns<br>');
     var n = p.width * p.height;
     var i,j,k,l, tCount;
     var kChar, ch, chr;
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                 // calculate group number from grid coordinates
                 var nGroup = Math.floor(i/p.height) * p.height + Math.floor(j/p.width);
                 // look for incomplete cells
                 chr = p.solution[i][j].c;
                 if ( chr.length == 1 ) continue;
                 // search rows
                 tCount = 0;
                 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                       // count the number of cells with the same incomplete solution
                       kChar = p.solution[i][k];
                       if ( kChar.c == chr ) tCount++;
                 // if the number of cells equals the number of symbols
                 // then none of the symbols may exist elsewhere on the row
                 if ( tCount == chr.length )
                       for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                             kChar = p.solution[i][k];
                             ch = kChar.c;
                             if ( ch != chr )
                                   // erase the symbols from all other cells that
                                   // have a different set of symbols.
                                   for ( l = 0; l < chr.length; l++ )
                                         ch = ch.erase(chr.charAt(l));
                                   if ( kChar.c != ch )
                                         // count the number of cells that get modified
                                         kChar.c = ch;
                 // search again with columns this time
                 tCount = 0;
                 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                       // count the number of cells with the same incomplete solution
                       kChar = p.solution[k][j];
                       if ( kChar.c == chr ) tCount++;
                 // if the number of cells equals the number of symbols
                 // then none of the symbols may exist elsewhere on the column
                 if ( tCount == chr.length )
                       for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                             kChar = p.solution[k][j];
                             ch = kChar.c;
                             if ( ch != chr )
                                   // erase the symbols from all other cells that
                                   // have a different set of symbols.
                                   for ( l = 0; l < chr.length; l++ )
                                         ch = ch.erase(chr.charAt(l));
                                   if ( kChar.c != ch )
                                         // count the number of cells that get modified
                                         kChar.c = ch;
                 // search yet again, but within groups this time
                 tCount = 0;
                 var ijGroup = nGroup;
                 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                       // count the number of cells with the same incomplete solution
                       kChar = p.members[i][k];
                       if ( kChar.c == chr ) tCount++;
                 // if the number of cells equals the number of symbols
                 // then none of the symbols may exist elsewhere in the group
                 if ( tCount == chr.length )
                       for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                             kChar = p.members[i][k];
                             ch = kChar.c;
                             if ( ch != chr )
                                   // erase the symbols from all other cells that
                                   // have a different set of symbols.
                                   for ( l = 0; l < chr.length; l++ )
                                         ch = ch.erase(chr.charAt(l));
                                   if ( kChar.c != ch )
                                         // count the number of cells that get modified
                                         kChar.c = ch;
     return nReturn;
     var nReturn = 0;
     debug('Look for column/row limited tokens<br>');
     var n = p.width * p.height;
     var i,j,k,l, tCount;
     var oChar, oChar2, ch;
     for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
           // for each group
           var group = p.members[i];
           for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                 // for each token
                 var token = p.tokens[j];
                 var nColMin = n;
                 var nColMax = -1;
                 var nRowMin = n;
                 var nRowMax = -1;
                 // iterate over members in group
                 for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                       // find max and min rows and columns for token
                       var oChar = group[k];
                       if ( oChar.c.search(token) >= 0 )
                             if ( oChar.nColumn > nColMax ) nColMax = oChar.nColumn;
                             if ( oChar.nColumn < nColMin ) nColMin = oChar.nColumn;
                             if ( oChar.nRow > nRowMax ) nRowMax = oChar.nRow;
                             if ( oChar.nRow < nRowMin ) nRowMin = oChar.nRow;
                 // if token not found in group, error!
                 if ( (nColMax == -1) || (nRowMax == -1) )
                       debug("Invalid cell state");
                       return -1;
                 // if token is limited to one column
                 if ( nColMin == nColMax )
                       // remove token from this column in all other groups
                       for ( l = 0; l < n; l++ )
                             oChar2 = p.solution[l][nColMin];
                             if ( oChar2.nGroup == i ) continue;
                             ch = oChar2.c.erase(token);
                             oChar2.c = ch;
                             if ( oChar2.c != ch )
                                   debug("[" + l + "]["+ nColMin +"]: " + ch + "-->" + oChar2.c + "<br>");
                 // if token is limited to one row
                 if ( nRowMin == nRowMax )
                       // remove token from this row in all other groups
                       for ( l = 0; l < n; l++ )
                             oChar2 = p.solution[nRowMin][l];
                             if ( oChar2.nGroup == i ) continue;
                             ch = oChar2.c;
                             oChar2.c = ch.erase(token);
                             if ( oChar2.c != ch )
                                   debug("[" + nRowMin + "]["+ l +"]: " + ch + "-->" + oChar2.c + "<br>");
     return nReturn;
var thePuzzle;
function showPage(sPage, bShow)
     var div = document.getElementById(sPage);
     div.style.visibility = bShow ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
     div.style.position = bShow ? 'static' : 'absolute';
function setPage(sPage)
     showPage('start', sPage == 'start');
     showPage('details', sPage == 'details');
     showPage('solver', sPage == 'solver');
function startResize()
     // get dimensions of group
     var w = document.getElementById('startWidth').value;
     var h = document.getElementById('startHeight').value;
     // choose a suitable selection
     var s = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*%$£?@#+-=".substring(0, w*h);
     // insert it into the textbox
     document.getElementById('startSymbols').value = s;
function detailsInit()
     var w = parseInt(document.getElementById('startWidth').value);
     var h = parseInt(document.getElementById('startHeight').value);
     var s = document.getElementById('startSymbols').value;
     if ( w*h > s.length )
           debug("there are not enough symbols for this configuration");
     var oDetails = document.getElementById('detailsSymbols');
     oDetails.innerHTML = w.toString() + 'x' + h.toString() + ', using ' + s;
     thePuzzle = new SudokuPuzzle(w, h, s);
function solverInit()
function reset()
function reEntry()
function solve()
     if ( thePuzzle.iterate() ) window.setTimeout("solve();", 500);
function iterate()
     <div id="start" style="position:static; visibility:visible">
           <h2>Puzzle Specification</h2>
           Enter group dimensions:<br>
           Width: <input id="startWidth" value="3" onchange="startResize();" onfocus="this.select();"><br>
           Height: <input id="startHeight" value="3" onchange="startResize();" onfocus="this.select()"><br>
           Symbols: <input id="startSymbols" value="123456789"><br>
           <button onclick="detailsInit();">Grid Entry</button>
     <div id="details" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden">
           <h2>Grid Entry</h2>
           <div id="detailsSymbols"></div>
           <div id="detailsGrid"></div>
           <button onclick="solverInit();">Solve</button>
     <div id="solver" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden">
           <div id="solverGrid"></div>
           <button onclick="reset(thePuzzle);">Reset</button>
           <button onclick="nReturnCount = 0; solve();">Solve</button><br>
           <button onclick="nReturnCount = 0; iterate();">Iterate</button><br>
           <button onclick="setPage('start');">New Puzzle</button>
           <button onclick="reEntry();">Grid Entry</button>
     <div id="debug"></div><button onclick="clrDebug();">Clear</button>