Using JavaScript & Forms to intereact with users | WebReference

Using JavaScript & Forms to intereact with users


JavaScript and Forms

by Mark Young ([email protected])

Have you ever wished to be able to create a small application on your Web site that would interact with the viewer, or wished to make sure that form input actually contained something worthwhile rather than just being a blank waste of space after someone just hit submit? Well, JavaScript, combined with a little DHTML can provide a solution to these problems, and introduce many great cool features to add an extra little "something" to your site.

In this article I'll show how to use JavaScript to access forms, how to manipulate data, and finally how to create a couple of small applications to show how its done. This is not meant to be a JavaScript tutorial, it assumes you have a basic understanding of JavaScript. Extensive knowledge is not necessary.

Accessing the form

The first step in being able to use user input is to access this input. Lets create a simple form: <form inert name="formone" onsubmit="showData()" action=">; <input name=" inputone="" type="text" placeholder="disabled" disabled="disabled" title="form boxes are disabled in cached version of the site" value="Disabled" style="opacity:0.3;" > <input type="submit" value="Show" placeholder="disabled" disabled="disabled" title="form boxes are disabled in cached version of the site" value="Disabled" style="opacity:0.3;" /></form> </code>Notice that I have named all these elements - it makes it much easier for accessing. Now for the JavaScript. Put this in your tag. <code><xmp><script language="JavaScript"><!-- function showData() { alert(document.formone.inputone.value); } //--> </script>This will display the text when the button is pressed. Thankfully this DOM works both in Netscape and IE. Notice I have called it by the form name, then the input name. This could quite easily be accomplished by using document.forms[0].elements[0].value, but this is more complicated, and harder to keep track of when pasting from one document into another. As a rule, use the names.

Using What You've Accessed

Now that you've accessed the data, you'll want to be able to do something with it. Some of the simplest things are called validations - or making sure that the user entered what you wanted them to enter.

Making sure they entered numbers

There are many ways to do this, but here is one of the simplest. Change the string to an integer, and see if the length is still the same - if it is, then the input is a number, otherwise there's some funny characters in there. Here's our new script - replace the old one with this one:

<script language="Javascript"> function showData() { var oldstring = document.formone.inputone.value; var newstring = parseFloat(oldstring).toString(); var InpValid=1; if (oldstring.length == newstring.length &amp;&amp; newstring != "NaN") { alert("Input is a number"); } else { alert("Input is not a number"); InpValid=0; } } </script>Don't worry about "InpValid" for the moment - it comes up later on.

I've converted the second string to a floating point integer, and then back to a string - this eliminates all the non-numeric characters. To check for an actual integer (i.e. whole numbers only) just substitute parseInt for parseFloat. Note the code to check for "NaN." Without this, three letter inputs would return as numbers. You can also use this to check that the user has entered in a certain number of digits - just include "&& newstring.length == 5" or whatever length you desire to the if statement. This is useful is say a ZIP number is needed.

Making sure they've entered a valid email address:

This is one thing that isn't fool-proof in any sense of the word - but it does stop people from entering "myemail" or some rubbish in the box - and hopefully, if they do this, they will get a fright and actually put in their real e-mail address. There are longer ways of validating e-mails, like searching for valid characters, but this is a simple solution that works on a basic level - I'll leave you to extend this code.

What I'm going to do here is to search the input for the character "@" which all e-mail addresses have in them - and make sure it is not next to a space, or the end or beginning of the line. Of course you can still enter in silly e-mail addresses, but at least it forces the user to enter something resembling an e-mail address.

We're going to have to use the regExp object and the search command - for more information see

var InpTwo = document.formone.inputtwo.value; var newreg = /@\b/gi; //set up search parameters if (InpTwo.match(newreg)) { //see if found newarray=InpTwo.match(newreg); if (newarray.length == 1) { alert("Valid email address entered"); } else { alert("Not a valid e-mail address"); InpValid=0; } } else { alert("Not a valid e-mail address"); InpValid=0; } As you can see, I've added a new input box to my form and called it "inputtwo," but you can change this, or just reuse the previous one.

The final thing to do is to actually submit your form. Add this code to the end of the function:

if(InpValid=1) { document.formone.action=""; } The check for InpValid ensures that the form is not submitted if there were mistakes in it.
Note that this action is whatever you would normally have as the action="" in the form.

Enter a Number: Enter your Email:


Created: January 26, 2001
Revised: January 26, 2001