Encapsulating Your ASP Page: One Common Method for Database Access to SQL Server and Oracle | 2
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Encapsulating Your ASP Page: One Common Method for Database Access to SQL Server and Oracle
Example 5: Simplified Logic Snippet to retrieve parameter
(Function GetParmData)
'Create a connection object
Set cnnOracle = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnOracle.CursorLocation = adUseClient
strConn = "Provider=MSDAORA.1; Data Source=abcd;
cnnOracle.Open strConn
'Create a command object.
Set cmdStoredProc = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmdStoredProc.ActiveConnection = cnnOracle
'Call the above procedure.
cmdStoredProc.CommandText="{call mypackage. myproc_getArgs(?,
{resultset 1000, " & _
inStrg & " })}"
cmdStoredProc.CommandType = adCmdText
adVarChar,adParamInput,30,P rocName)
'Create recordset object.
Set rsXXX = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsXXX.CursorType = adOpenStatic
Set rsXXX.Source = cmdStoredProc
'Traverse through the recordset-build procedure call string in array(0)
' -build parm input data in
while Not rsXXX.EOF
if (IsNull(rsXXX.Fields("ARG_COL"))) then
' do nothing
'handle output parameters
if (rsXXX.Fields("ARG_TYPE") = "1") then
if (outStrg = "") then
outStrg = rsXXX.Fields("ARG_COL")
outStrg = outStrg & "," & rsXXX.Fields("ARG_COL")
end if
'handle input parameters (this assumes no in-out parms)
outStrg2 = outStrg2 & "?," 'builds question marks in
the text string
if (IsNull(rsXXX.Fields("ARG_DEF"))) then
w1 = 132 'adUserDefined - user defined parm
w2 = rsXXX.Fields("ARG_DEF")
w1 = ""
if ((w2 = "NUMBER") or (ws = "INTEGER") or (ws =
w1 = 131 'adNumeric
end if
if (w2 = "VARCHAR2") then
w1 = 200 'adVarChar
end if
if (w2 = "RAW") then
w1 = 128 'adBinary
end if
if (w2 = "CHAR") then
w1 = 129 'adChar
end if
if (w2 = "DATE") then
w1 = 135 'adDBTimeStamp
end if
if (w2 = "DECIMAL") then
w1 = 14 'adDecimal - 8.0.x // use 131 (adNumeric)
if 8.1x +
end if
if (w2 = "FLOAT") then
w1 = 5 'adDouble
end if
if ((w2 = "LONG RAW") or (w2 = "BLOB")) then
w1 = 205 'adLongVarBinary
end if
if ((w2 = "LONG") or (w2 = "CLOB")) then
w1 = 201 'adLongVarChar
end if
if (w2 = "NCLOB") then
w1 = 203 'adLongVarWChar
end if
end if
wkStrg = w1
arrOutput(ict) = wkStrg
end if
end if
' Close the Recordset and the Connection / dereference the ADO Objects
Set cmdStoredProc = nothing
Set rsXXX = nothing
Set cnnOracle = nothing
if (outStrg2 = "" AND outStrg = "") then
outStrg2=PkgName & "." & "ProcName"
outStrg2="{call " & PkgName & "." & ProcName & "(" & outStrg2 & "
{resultset 1000, " & outStrg & " })}"
end if
arrOutput(0) = outStrg2
'End of Function
(Function GetParmData)
'Create a connection object
Set cnnOracle = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnOracle.CursorLocation = adUseClient
strConn = "Provider=MSDAORA.1; Data Source=abcd;
cnnOracle.Open strConn
'Create a command object.
Set cmdStoredProc = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmdStoredProc.ActiveConnection = cnnOracle
'Call the above procedure.
cmdStoredProc.CommandText="{call mypackage. myproc_getArgs(?,
{resultset 1000, " & _
inStrg & " })}"
cmdStoredProc.CommandType = adCmdText
adVarChar,adParamInput,30,P rocName)
'Create recordset object.
Set rsXXX = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsXXX.CursorType = adOpenStatic
Set rsXXX.Source = cmdStoredProc
'Traverse through the recordset-build procedure call string in array(0)
' -build parm input data in
while Not rsXXX.EOF
if (IsNull(rsXXX.Fields("ARG_COL"))) then
' do nothing
'handle output parameters
if (rsXXX.Fields("ARG_TYPE") = "1") then
if (outStrg = "") then
outStrg = rsXXX.Fields("ARG_COL")
outStrg = outStrg & "," & rsXXX.Fields("ARG_COL")
end if
'handle input parameters (this assumes no in-out parms)
outStrg2 = outStrg2 & "?," 'builds question marks in
the text string
if (IsNull(rsXXX.Fields("ARG_DEF"))) then
w1 = 132 'adUserDefined - user defined parm
w2 = rsXXX.Fields("ARG_DEF")
w1 = ""
if ((w2 = "NUMBER") or (ws = "INTEGER") or (ws =
w1 = 131 'adNumeric
end if
if (w2 = "VARCHAR2") then
w1 = 200 'adVarChar
end if
if (w2 = "RAW") then
w1 = 128 'adBinary
end if
if (w2 = "CHAR") then
w1 = 129 'adChar
end if
if (w2 = "DATE") then
w1 = 135 'adDBTimeStamp
end if
if (w2 = "DECIMAL") then
w1 = 14 'adDecimal - 8.0.x // use 131 (adNumeric)
if 8.1x +
end if
if (w2 = "FLOAT") then
w1 = 5 'adDouble
end if
if ((w2 = "LONG RAW") or (w2 = "BLOB")) then
w1 = 205 'adLongVarBinary
end if
if ((w2 = "LONG") or (w2 = "CLOB")) then
w1 = 201 'adLongVarChar
end if
if (w2 = "NCLOB") then
w1 = 203 'adLongVarWChar
end if
end if
wkStrg = w1
arrOutput(ict) = wkStrg
end if
end if
' Close the Recordset and the Connection / dereference the ADO Objects
Set cmdStoredProc = nothing
Set rsXXX = nothing
Set cnnOracle = nothing
if (outStrg2 = "" AND outStrg = "") then
outStrg2=PkgName & "." & "ProcName"
outStrg2="{call " & PkgName & "." & ProcName & "(" & outStrg2 & "
{resultset 1000, " & outStrg & " })}"
end if
arrOutput(0) = outStrg2
'End of Function
The above logic is a bit clunky but illustrates well what should be done. The initial value of the array is reserved for the text statement calling the procedure itself and all subsequent values define the input parameters' data type.
Upon returning from the function call, we are now ready to build the complete text for the call:
Example 6:Returning from the call to retrieve parameter data
Dim arrX
Dim kt
arrX = GetParmData(Pkg_name, Proc_name) 'call my function
cmd.CommandType=1 'adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = arrX(0)
kt = "N"
for i = 1 to 100
if (isNumeric(arrX(i))) then
if (CInt(arrX(i)) > 1) then
kt = "Y"
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(,Cint(arrX(i)),1)
i = 200
end if
i = 200
end if
'Separate XML parms into array
if (kt = "Y") then
bSucc = oXmlDom.loadXML(para)
'handle invalid return as you choose else separate XML parms into array
Set ns = oXmlDom.selectNodes("//para")
For i = 1 To cmd.Parameters.count - 1
cmd(i-1) = ns(i-1).text
end if
set common_function=cmd.Execute 'use the execute statement
The entire log set described in Example 5 and 6 above could be rewritten to take advantage of smoother coding preferences and to accommodate growth and release expansions but is presented as shown to illustrate the required logic. The datatype cross reference in Example 5 can be determined either by trial and error or by utilizing one of the many cross references given out on the Web. Even using the latter can be difficult and requires testing regardless.
Special cases had to be handled on a case-by-case basis, such as those where ASP pages referenced multiple recordsets. These had to be rewritten so that the ASP reflected stored procedures that produced single recordsets accommodating the commonality of both databases.
Nevertheless, the bulk of our catalog display process could easily be handled with our unique version of database access and most ASP pages required no changes other than replacing the database procedure call coding with a call, instead, to the common function.
Kathy has 25 years of solid hands on experience in all phases of Data Processing software development and design. This experience encompasses both mainframe and client/server applications with emphasis on participation as technical and or architectural advisory lead in porting mainframe applications onto a client/server base for applications ranging from banking and imaging to procurement. She is currently adjunct professor of Computer Information systems for West Virginia Northern Community College and is a long time Member of Western PA Mensa. She can be reached at [email protected].
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Created: April 6, 2001
Revised: April 6, 2001