Weblog 1.6 - Mother of Perl | 5 | WebReference

Weblog 1.6 - Mother of Perl | 5

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Weblog 1.6

Using Weblog

Now we'll cover the basics on using Weblog.

Adding New Items

Add new entries into the "New Item" box. Old items will roll off the bottom into the bitbucket. You need to enter something in the Title, Link, and Desc fields. You can also include information for the Creator and Subject fields. The Subject field will usually consist of information such as a category in a directory. The Creator could be the name of the author of the item.

Channel Selection

Across the top of the screen there should be a selection "bar" with the channel name of each channel that you specified in your config file. To select another channel just click on the name of the channel and weblog will load in the RSS corresponding to that channel. By default, only one channel has been configured. You will have to manually modify the config.xml file to add additional channels.

Manipulating Existing Items

To edit an existing entry, just change the information in the box in question and click the "Build RSS" button.

To delete an entry completely, just clear all information out of the fields for that entry, or select the delete checkbox and any item you wish to remove and click the "Build RSS" button.

To move an Item up and down the chain of items just select the up or down button.

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Produced by Jonathan Eisenzopf
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: January 5, 2000
Revised: January 5, 2000

URL: https://www.webreference.com/perl/tutorial/18/5.html