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Web / Multimedia / Flash

Flash Development Tutorials

Created by Macromedia, Flash provides Web developers with a bandwidth friendly way of creating vector-based animation, customized interfaces and interactive sites. The Flash player is one of the most widely disseminated browser plugins on the Internet, with an estimated coverage of almost 90% of all Web browsers.

WebReference Articles

Flash Your E-mail
Learn how to add Flash to your emails. It's easy.
Get Creative With Flash Preloaders
Robert Roberts covers the importance of Flash preloaders - when dealing with Flash sites, you've got to engage the viewer quick, or risk losing them.
Intro to Flash
Learn how to make a splash screen, it's easier than you thought!

Other Tutorials & Tools

0 to 60 in Flash
Get your Flash motor revved up with this introductory Flash article from WDVL.
Flash 4 For Beginners
Want to jump into the world of Flash, but just don't know how to get started? This beginner's guide from the Web Developer's Journal will set you down the right path.
Flash Point
From Builder.com, Flash Point is a regular series of tutorials from David J. Emberton, author of the "Flash Magic" book series. Menus, printing, and simple games have been covered in recent columns.
Moock Web Flash
Colin Moock, one of the contributors to The Flash 4 Bible, offers up a great resource site, features chapter excerpts, sample files and projects, code libraries and more.
Build your own Flash4 website without any technical knowledge. It's free, with a web-based interface. The service incorporates Flash graphics, your own chat room, your own directory/database, your own text and images, and more.
Complete Flash Tutorial
Tutorial covering everything from the basics of Flash 4 to communicating with JavaScript. Also has info on Flash 3.
Tricks & Data, Flash Yin & Yang
WDVL.com offers up an intermediate Flash tutorial for Web developers. This article walks you through a sample Flash development project, giving you practical techniques to apply to your own project.
WebMonkey's Advanced Flash 4
Another fine tutorial from the folks at WebMonkey. A variety of advanced flash topics are covered, ranging from morphing to optimization.
AngryCoffee.com Flash Audio Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to add event-triggered audio to a Flash movie.


Features Flash developer related articles, interviews, and messageboard. Over 100 Flash tutorials, at a variety of skill levels.
FlashKit.com (*)
One of our newest sister sites, Flash Kit is an enormously useful site, covering all of your Flash needs. From helpful tutorials, to sample projects, downloadable animations, sounds and tools, and bustling message boards, Flash Kit has got you covered. Oh, and did we mention the games?
Flash news, movies, tutorials, articles and more.
Macromedia.com Flash Info (*)
The official Macromedia site offers free trial verions of Flash 4, information and how-tos for developers, file format specs, and much more.
Clearing house for information on the SWF (Shockwave Flash) file format. Includes SDKs, FAQs, file format specs, information on 3rd party SWF tools and more.
We're Here (*)
Great Flash site with articles, tutorials, downloads, forums, and more!

Comments are welcome

Revised: December 12, 2000

URL: https://webreference.com/multimedia/flash.html