Web / Multimedia / Collections | WebReference

Web / Multimedia / Collections

Collections in Web Development Tutorials

A collection of tips and resources for Lingo, Director and Shockwave.
DMOZ - Multimedia Links
"Computers:Multimedia" section of the DMOZ open directory project.
Multimedia FAQ's
From faqs.org, includes many Multimedia-related USENET FAQs, including Graphics Formats, DSP information, Compression information, and much more.
Multimedia and Authoring Resources on the Internet
A long list of links from Northwestern University Library's Multimedia Center.
Resource for multimedia professionals. Includes developer information, job links, company directory, updates on conferences, forums and more.
Multimedia Authoring Web
Very extensive collection of multimedia resources organized by specific media types.
Multimedia WebRings
WebRings are collections of similarly themed Websites. Usually independantly created, quality varies, but individuality prevails.
Streaming Media World
Multimedia on the go.. Articles, reviews, links and more.
WDVL: Multimedia for the Web
From the Web Developer's Virtual Library, a collection of authoring articles and links.
WebDeveloper: Multimedia Links
A collection of articles, reviews, how-tos, and links.
Webopedia: Multimedia
Webopedia's multimedia definitions and links.
Yahoo - Multimedia Links
Yahoo's high-level "Computers and Internet:Multimedia" section.

Comments are welcome

Revised: November 15, 1999

URL: https://webreference.com/multimedia/collections.html