October 8, 2002 - IBuySpy's ShoppingCartDB Component | WebReference

October 8, 2002 - IBuySpy's ShoppingCartDB Component

Yehuda Shiran October 8, 2002
IBuySpy's ShoppingCartDB Component
Tips: October 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

The JScript .NET component ShoppingCartDB.js handles the business logic of the IBuySpy Store shopping cart. In particular, it extracts an item from the shopping cart, adds an item to the cart, computes the total amount of itmes in the cart, counts the items in cart, updates an item in the cart, and removes an item from the cart.

All IBuySpy components share the same IBuySpy namespace. The ShoppingCartDB.js component includes a single class: ShoppingCartDB. The ShoppingCartDB class includes the following method declarations:

  public class ShoppingCartDB {
    public function GetItems(cartID: String ) : SqlDataReader {...}
    public function AddItem(cartID: String, productID: int, quantity: int) : void {...}
    public function UpdateItem(cartID: String, productID: int, quantity: int) : void {...}
    public function RemoveItem(cartID: String, productID: int) : void {...}
    public function GetItemCount(cartID: String ) : int {...}
    public function GetTotal(cartID: String ) : decimal {...}
    public function MigrateCart(oldCartId: String, newCartId: String) : void {...}
    public function EmptyCart(cartID: String) : void {...}
    public function GetShoppingCartId() : String {...}