September 30, 2002 - Compiling IBuySpy Components | WebReference

September 30, 2002 - Compiling IBuySpy Components

Yehuda Shiran September 30, 2002
Compiling IBuySpy Components
Tips: September 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

IBuySpy Store does most of its business logic and interaction with the MSSQL database through five JScript .NET components. These .js files reside in the Components folder under the Web site root, C:\StoreDOCJS\StoreDOCJS. These are the five JScript .NET files:

  • OrdersDB.js
  • ProductsDB.js
  • ReviewsDB.js
  • ShoppingCardDb.js

    As you can tell from the names, each component's role is to take care of another part of the Web site business activity: customers, orders, products, reviews, and the store shopping cart.

    The sixth file in the Components folder is the make file, mk.bat, which compiles all five components into a single dll file, StoreJS.dll. This is what the file looks like:

      jsc /t:library 
        /r:System.dll /r:System.Web.dll /r:System.Xml.dll /r:System.Data.dll 
        CustomersDB.js OrdersDB.js ShoppingCartDB.js ReviewsDB.js ProductsDB.js
    As you can see, the dll file is stored in the bin folder, next to the Components folder. In fact, StoreJS.dll is the only file in the bin folder.