September 11, 2002 - JScript .NET's try...catch...finally Statement | WebReference

September 11, 2002 - JScript .NET's try...catch...finally Statement

Yehuda Shiran September 11, 2002
JScript .NET's try...catch...finally Statement
Tips: September 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

Catching errors in JScript .NET is done via three statements: try, catch, and finally. Here is the skeleton of a code block that catches exceptions:

  try {
  } catch(exception) {
  } finally {
tryStatements are statements where an error can occur. Optional.
  • exception is any variable name. The initial value of exception is the value of the thrown error. Required.
  • catchStatements are statements to handle errors occurring in the above tryStatements. Optional.
  • finallyStatements are statements that are unconditionally executed after all other error processing has occurred. Optional.