September 10, 2002 - Implementing Windows Form's Menus | WebReference

September 10, 2002 - Implementing Windows Form's Menus

Yehuda Shiran September 10, 2002
Implementing Windows Form's Menus
Tips: September 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

Continuing our example from yesterday, we first initialize menuSave, then menuFile, and finally menuMain. Here is the definition of menuSave:

  menuSave = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
  menuSave.Text = "Save";
  menuSave.ShowShortcut = true;
  menuSave.Shortcut = "CtrlS";
The event handler of a Click event is menuSave_Clicked. We just pop up a message box as a response to the Click event:

  private function menuSave_Clicked(o : Object, e : EventArgs) {
    MessageBox.Show("We should save the file now");
We continue with the initialization of menuFile. We can now add the previously-initialized menuSave:

  menuFile = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
  menuFile.Text = "File";
  menuFile.ShowShortcut = false;
We finish the menu creation by initializing the top menu bar and adding menuFile to it:

  menuMain = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu();
The package name is MenuPkg and the class name is MenuCls. We pop up the windows form by calling Application.Run():

  Application.Run(new MenuPkg.MenuCls());
You should get the following window:

To learn more about JScript .NET and ASP.NET, go to Column 117, JScript .NET, Part XI: Creating Windows Forms.