September 3, 2002 - Popping Up a Windows Form | WebReference

September 3, 2002 - Popping Up a Windows Form

Yehuda Shiran September 3, 2002
Popping Up a Windows Form
Tips: September 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

When you want to add a panel to your Windows form, first define your panel, like in this example:

  panel1= new Panel;
  panel1.Location= new Point(0,0);
  panel1.Size= new System.Drawing.Size(300,300);
  panel1.Name= "This is a Panel";
  panel1.Anchor= AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;
Then, add the panel to the Windows form, like this:

And finally, call the Application.Run() method:

  Application.Run(new ResizeMe.PanelForm());
Here is the Windows form you should get:

And here is the code listing of the Windows form above:

  import System;
  import System.Windows.Forms;
  import System.ComponentModel;
  import System.Drawing;
  package ResizeMe {
      class PanelForm extends System.Windows.Forms.Form {   
          private var label1: Label;
          private var textBox1: TextBox;
          private var button1: Button;
          private var panel1: Panel;
          function PanelForm() {                         
              this.Text= "Anchoring Demo: Resize Me"; 
              this.ClientSize= new System.Drawing.Size(300,350);
              this.StartPosition= System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
              label1= new Label;       
              label1.Location= new Point(10,10);
              label1.Size= new System.Drawing.Size(80,20);
              label1.Name= "label1";
              label1.Text= "This is a Label";
              label1.Anchor= AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top;
              textBox1 = new TextBox;
              textBox1.Location= new Point(10,30);
              textBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(90,20);
              textBox1.Name= "textBox1";
              textBox1.Text = "This is a TextBox";
              textBox1.Anchor= AnchorStyles.Left;                            
              button1= new Button;
              button1.Location= new Point(200,260);
              button1.Size= new System.Drawing.Size(90,20);
              button1.Name= "button1";
              button1.Text= "This is a Button";
              button1.Anchor= AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
              panel1= new Panel;
              panel1.Location= new Point(0,0);
              panel1.Size= new System.Drawing.Size(300,300);
              panel1.Name= "This is a Panel";
              panel1.Anchor= AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;
  Application.Run(new ResizeMe.PanelForm());
To learn more about JScript .NET and ASP.NET, go to Column 117, JScript .NET, Part XI: Creating Windows Forms.