June 28, 2002 - Piggybacking Intrinsic Polymorphic Functions | WebReference

June 28, 2002 - Piggybacking Intrinsic Polymorphic Functions

Yehuda Shiran June 28, 2002
Piggybacking Intrinsic Polymorphic Functions
Tips: June 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

You can use intrinsic polymorphic functions to create your own polymorphic functions. Every function that accepts a parameter of type Object is polymorphic, because all other classes inherit from this object. A classic intrinsic polymorphic function is ToString(). It converts a value of any type to a string. The function WriteNameValue() accepts a name and a value as parameters, and prints them. It is isomorphic because it operates on every class type. It uses the polymorphic function ToString() to make it possible. Here is the Command Prompt window, showing the code (writename.js), the jsc compiler's log messages, and the output of writename.exe:

To learn more about JScript .NET, go to Column 111, JScript .NET, Part V: Polymorphism.