May 4, 2002 - The Data Types Supported by JScript .NET | WebReference

May 4, 2002 - The Data Types Supported by JScript .NET

Yehuda Shiran May 4, 2002
The Data Types Supported by JScript .NET
Tips: May 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

JScript .NET incorporates almost all the features in ECMAScript Edition 3 and many of the proposed features for ECMAScript Edition 4. In addition, JScript .NET also has many unique features that are not provided by the ECMAScript languages. Support of data types is one of these features that are not provided by ECMAScript Edition 4. Will Edition 5 include data types? Too early to say. The data types supported by JScript .NET are: boolean, byte, char, decimal, double, float, int, long, Number, sbyte, short, String, uint, ulong, and ushort.

To learn more on JScript .NET, go to Column 108, JScript .NET, Part II: Major Features.