April 11, 2002 - A GUI for the IsPrime Web Service | WebReference

April 11, 2002 - A GUI for the IsPrime Web Service

Yehuda Shiran April 11, 2002
A GUI for the IsPrime Web Service
Tips: April 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

Here is the IsPrime Web service in action:

Enter a number:  
The isprime TABLE has two rows. The first row includes an entry field for the number to be tested and a button to invoke the check. The second row includes a DIV element that displays the answer, via an innerHTML update. The ID of the input field is testValue and the ID of the result DIV is theResult2. The button calls isPrimeNumber() when clicked. Here is the HTML code:

    <TD>Enter a number:</TD>
    <TD><INPUT SIZE="4" TYPE="text" ID="testValue" VALUE="0"></TD>
    <TD><INPUT VALUE="Click here to check if prime" 
	 TYPE="button" onclick="isPrimeNumber();"></TD>
  <TR><TD COLSPAN=4><DIV ID="theResult2"></DIV></TD></TR>
These Web service examples work properly in Internet Explorer 5.5 or later browsers. If you are using Internet Explorer 5.5+ and receiving errors with the examples, you need to enable the access data sources across domains option. See Column 105 for details.

To learn more on consuming multiple Web services, go to Column 106, Web services Part XI: Consuming Multiple Web Services.