March 23, 2002 - Displaying An Hourglass Cursor While Waiting | WebReference

March 23, 2002 - Displaying An Hourglass Cursor While Waiting

Yehuda Shiran March 23, 2002
Displaying An Hourglass Cursor While Waiting
Tips: March 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

When you have a command that lasts more than a second or two, you'd better change the mouse cursor to an hourglass, until the command is done. You change the cursor to an hourglass everywhere on the page by assigning the string "wait" to the cursor property: = "wait";
You return the cursor back to normal by assigning the string "default" to the cursor property: = "default";
Let's try it. Click here to turn on the hourglass. Move away from the link so the hourglass will be appreciated. Click here to stop it.

This tip is supported in IE 5.5 and up.