February 18, 2002 - Reading DTDs with the Browser | WebReference

February 18, 2002 - Reading DTDs with the Browser

Yehuda Shiran February 18, 2002
Reading DTDs with the Browser
Tips: February 2002

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

Let's see the entity reference substitution in action. There are three types of documents involved in our demo: XML, DTD, and XSL. The XML file includes the data itself. The DTD defines the data file structure and reference substitution. The XSL file converts the data to HTML. We discussed how to write the XSL file in Column 100. Try it now. You should get the following window:

The original mydvd7.xml file includes two entity references:

  <description>Sales Report for January, February,  
     and &lt;&month;&gt; of 2001</description>
  <author>author: &preparedby;</author>
Notice how the entity reference &month; was substituted by April, and &preparedby; was substituted by John Smith. Also notice that the single-character entity references &lt; and &gt; around April got substituted by and >, respectively.