October 11, 2001 - Static Elements | WebReference

October 11, 2001 - Static Elements

Yehuda Shiran October 11, 2001
Static Elements
Tips: October 2001

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

The style object's position property can have three values: "static", "absolute", and "relative". The "static" value is the default. In this case, the object follows the layout rules of HTML. There are no special positioning rules to follow.

The following code:

.divstatic {position: static}
<DIV ID=oSpan CLASS="divstatic">
This is a paragraph of text in a DIV.
<P>This is a paragraph of text as well.</P>
Creates the following:

This is a paragraph of text in a DIV.

This is a paragraph of text as well. Notice that the static element is positioned according to its position in the flow. You cannot control static elements with any left or top coordinates.