October 9, 2001 - Positioning Popup Windows | WebReference

October 9, 2001 - Positioning Popup Windows

Yehuda Shiran October 9, 2001
Positioning Popup Windows
Tips: October 2001

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

One easy way to create tool tips is by using the popup window. You can control its size, location, style, and innerHTML. You can use its style object to specify the backgroundColor, border, fontSize, and fontFamily. You can also specify an element on the page to which you reference the x and y coordinates. Try this popup window. Find it somewhere in the upper left corner of your document. Click anywhere to get rid of the popup window. The reference element is the following text:

Reference the popup window to here.
Here is how we define this element:

<DIV ID="putHere">
Reference the popup window to here.
Here is the code that prepares the popup window object:

var oPopup = window.createPopup();
oPopupBody = oPopup.document.body;
oPopupBody.innerHTML = "Hello There";
oPopupBody.style.backgroundColor = "#ffff66";
oPopupBody.style.border = "1 solid black";
oPopupBody.style.fontSize = "12px";
oPopupBody.style.fontFamily = "Courier New";
// -->
And here is how we call it in the above "Try" link:

  oPopup.show(100, 200, 100, 20, putHere);
You prepare the object off line, as shown above, and then display it with the show() method. This method has four mandatory parameters, and one optional (reference-element):

  show(x-location, y-location, width, height, reference-element);
The coordinates are relative to the reference element putHere.