August 19, 2001 - The Dialog Box's Resizeability | WebReference

August 19, 2001 - The Dialog Box's Resizeability

Yehuda Shiran August 19, 2001
The Dialog Box's Resizeability
Tips: August 2001

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

By default, dialog boxes are not resizeable. You can change this behavior by simply setting the resizable parameter to yes. Pop up a resizeable window created with this invocation:

Play around with it and prove to yourself that indeed the window is resizeable. The possible values of the resizable property are: yes, no, 1, 0, on, and off. Their semantics are intuitive.

For more on modal and modeless dialog boxes, go to Column 90, Modal and Modeless Dialog Boxes.