August 9, 2001 - Formatting the First Page for Printing using JavaScript | WebReference

August 9, 2001 - Formatting the First Page for Printing using JavaScript

Yehuda Shiran August 9, 2001
Formatting the First Page for Printing using JavaScript
Tips: August 2001

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

We can write JavaScript code that will create Internet Explorer's DeviceRect and LayoutRect elements on the fly. Try it. The function addFirstPage() assembles the document's first page from one LayoutRect element which is within a DeviceRect element. The only trick is how to assemble these opening and closing tags in a single string variable, newHTML. Be strict with the quotes: use double quotes for newHTML's substrings and single quotes for original quotes in the LayoutRect and DeviceRect elements. Here is the function:

function addFirstPage() {
  newHTML  = "<IE:DEVICERECT ID='devicerect1' " +
             "MEDIA='print' CLASS='masterstyle'>";
  newHTML += "<IE:LAYOUTRECT ID='layoutrect1' CONTENTSRC='010808.html'" +
             "ONLAYOUTCOMPLETE='onPageComplete()' NEXTRECT='layoutrect2'" +
  newHTML += "</IE:DEVICERECT>";
  devicecontainer.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", newHTML);
For more information on print templates, go to Column 89, Print Templates, Part I.