May 16, 2001 - Recipe for Sonifying a Page | WebReference

May 16, 2001 - Recipe for Sonifying a Page

Yehuda Shiran May 16, 2001
Recipe for Sonifying a Page
Tips: May 2001

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

In some of your applications you may need to use Flash Audio and JavaScript directly, without any prepackaged APIs such as FlashSound JavaScript API. You will enjoy more features, methods, and properties, but you'll have to take care of all the tiny details that are taken for granted when using FlashSound API.

The recipes for sonifying a page with and without APIs are very similar:

flashsoundcheck.js in the HEAD section. Download.
  • Create a flashsound object by calling
  • sonified_flash(myFrame), where myFrame is the frame number to start the sound from.
  • Embed your SWF file in the
  • BODY section, by calling Flash_embedSWF(swfURL, swfbgColor).
  • Create an anchor tag and set the
  • onclick event handler to the sonified_flash() method.