May 12, 2001 - Checking for the Minimum Player Version | WebReference

May 12, 2001 - Checking for the Minimum Player Version

Yehuda Shiran May 12, 2001
Checking for the Minimum Player Version
Tips: May 2001

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

In some of your applications you may need to use Flash Audio and JavaScript directly, without any prepackaged APIs such as FlashSound JavaScript API. You will enjoy more features, methods, and properties, but you'll have to take care of all the tiny details that are taken for granted when using FlashSound API.

One of these tiny details is checking for a minimum player version number. The Flash_checkForMinPlayer() function does just that:

function Flash_checkForMinPlayer() {
  if(!supportedBrowser) return false;
  if(NNpass) return (Flash_checkForPlugIn());
  if(winIEpass) return (Flash_checkForActiveX());
The first line checks if the sniffed browser is supported. Flash supports only Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The second line checks for the plug-in version in Netscape Navigator. The third line checks for the ActiveX control version of Flash player. The minimum Flash player version is set inside the lower level functions, Flash_checkForPlugIn() and Flash_checkForActiveX().