March 15, 2001 - Explicit Definition of an Object's Method | WebReference

March 15, 2001 - Explicit Definition of an Object's Method

Yehuda Shiran March 15, 2001
Explicit Definition of an Object's Method
Tips: March 2001

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

An object constructor is written as a regular function. Here is the Employee object:

function Employee() {
  this.dept = "HR";
  this.manager = "John Johnson";

When you create an object, it automatically inherits all Object's properties (constructor, toString(), hasOwnProperty(), etc.) You can add properties to the object by attaching them to the this value within the constructor function, as shown above. As for the methods, there are three different ways to define them. The first method calls for normal function creation, inside the constructor function. Let's define a method, setRegisterA():

function Employee() {
  var registerA = "Initial Value";
  function setRegisterA(param) {
    registerA = param;
  this.setRegisterA = setRegisterA;
  this.dept = "HR";
  this.manager = "John Johnson";

Let's use it now. First, create a variable of class Employee:

var Ken = new Employee;

And then store a new value in Register A:

Ken.setRegisterA("new value stored in 010315");