February 17, 2001 - Computing the Current Work Week
February 17, 2001 Computing the Current Work Week Tips: February 2001
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
To compute the day of the week of January 1, we first create an instance date for January 1 (same year as today):
var newYearDayInstance = new Date(year, 0, 1); //instance of the date for January 1
And then get the day of the week:
var newYearDayOfWeek = newYearDayInstance.getDay(); //day of the week for January 1. 0 is Sunday
We then initialize the number of days passed since Sunday of ww01:
var daysUntilToday = newYearDayOfWeek;
And then add all previous months:
for (var j = 0; j <= month - 1; j++) { //count days in all previous months
daysUntilToday += getDays(j, year);
And finally, adding the number of days passed this month:
daysUntilToday += date;
We return the round-up number of the weekly count:
return Math.ceil(daysUntilToday/7);
We find the current work week, by calling getWorkWeek()
Here is the full listing of the methods:
function getDays(month, year) {
// create array to hold number of days in each month
var ar = new Array(12);
ar[0] = 31; // January
ar[1] = (year % 4 == 0) ? 29 : 28; // February
ar[2] = 31; // March
ar[3] = 30; // April
ar[4] = 31; // May
ar[5] = 30; // June
ar[6] = 31; // July
ar[7] = 31; // August
ar[8] = 30; // September
ar[9] = 31; // October
ar[10] = 30; // November
ar[11] = 31; // December
// return number of days in the specified month (parameter)
return ar[month];
function getWorkWeek() {
var now = new Date();
var year = now.getFullYear();
var month = now.getMonth();
var date = now.getDate();
now = null; // release memory
var newYearDayInstance = new Date(year, 0, 1); //instance of the date for January 1
var newYearDayOfWeek = newYearDayInstance.getDay(); //day of the week for January 1. 0 is Sunday
var daysUntilToday = newYearDayOfWeek; //days before January 1 in ww01
for (var j = 0; j <= month - 1; j++) { //count days in all previous months
daysUntilToday += getDays(j, year);
daysUntilToday += date; //add days in current month
return Math.ceil(daysUntilToday/7);
Update (posted February 24, 2004)
The following information comes from Dave Matheson, a reader in Oslo, Norway.
The working week script at https://webreference.com/js/tips/010217.html works fine for US users. However the ISO standard (used in Europe) has the working week starting on a Monday. Therefore today (Sunday, Feb. 22nd 2004) would be working week 9 (in the US and per the script you have published), but week 8 in Europe (ISO standard).
To have the working week starting on a Monday (Europe / ISO standard) as opposed to Sunday (USA) the script needs to be altered as follows:
Change the variable [within the function getWorkWeek()] from:
"var date = now.getDate();" to
"var date = now.getDate()-1;"
(lies in the function "function getWorkWeek()")
This has been checked across a variety of dates and seems to work fine - though I am only a novice when it comes to Javascripts.