January 5, 2001 - The Event Object Properties
January 5, 2001 The Event Object Properties Tips: January 2001
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
object provides a wealth of information about the Netscape 6 event. Here is a list of its properties:
Property Description Possible Values altKey
A Boolean that indicates whether the Alt key was pressed when triggering the event. A Boolean bubbles
A Boolean that determines whether the event did continue to bubble up the hierarchy or not. A Boolean button
The mouse button that triggered the event. A string: "left"
, "right"
, or "middle"
A Boolean that determines whether the event is cancelable or not. Some events are not cancelable. A Boolean cancelBubble
A Boolean that determines whether the event should continue to bubble up the hierarchy. A Boolean ctrlKey
A Boolean that indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed when triggering the event. A Boolean currentTarget
The object where the event currently is. Its event listener intercepted the event. An object eventPhase
The current phase of the event. 0 (capture), 1 (the event just hit the target object), or 3 (bubbling). keyCode
The ASCII value of the key that triggered the event. An ASCII value shiftKey
A Boolean that indicates whether the Shift key was pressed when triggering the event. A Boolean target
The event's target object. The object at which the event will turn around and bubble back up the hierarchy. An object type
Type of the occurred event Event names. Examples: "click"
, "mouseover"
, "mouseout"