December 29, 2000 - The Navigator Event Model
December 29, 2000 The Navigator Event Model Tips: December 2000
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
object, through the document
object and any other intermediate objects, until it reaches the target object. Netscape introduced the concept of event capturing. You can intercept an event at any object, before it reaches the final target element. The following piece of code creates a button event handlers for both the button and the window
object. Notice how we capture the click event at the window
function buttonClicked(e) {
alert("You clicked a button.");
return true;
function windowClicked(e) {
alert("You clicked in the window");
return true;
if (window.captureEvents)
window.captureEvents(Event.CLICK); // CLICK is an event
window.onclick = windowClicked; // onclick is an event handler
// -->
<FORM NAME="myForm">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="click here" NAME="myButton" onClick="buttonClicked()">
Click the button below, in Netscape Navigator 4.x. You can see that the click event has been captured successfully, before it reaches the button. You can also observe that the click event was really intended for the button, otherwise every click in the window (outside the button) would have triggered an alert box:Learn more about the event model in Netscape Navigator 4.x in Column 9, The Navigator Event Model.