December 7, 2000 - Avoiding Marquee in Netscape 6 | WebReference

December 7, 2000 - Avoiding Marquee in Netscape 6

Yehuda Shiran December 7, 2000
Avoiding Marquee in Netscape 6
Tips: December 2000

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

Netscape 6 does not support the Internet Explorer's proprietary MARQUEE tag. The following piece of HTML creates an effect of animation. The statement "Hello There..." scrolls to the right, every a fixed amount of time:

<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR="scroll" DIRECTION="right">Hello there...</MARQUEE>
Hello there...There is no substitute for the MARQUEE tag in Netscape 6. You have to program the effect by yourself, using the DOM. We covered the DOM in Columns 40, The DOM, Part I: Analysis, through 47, A DOM-Based Snakes Game, Part II. For principles of animation, look for Column 18, JavaScript Animation, Part I, and Column 19, JavaScript Animation, Part II.