September 3, 2000 - Removing Objects without Reflowing
September 3, 2000 Removing Object without Reflowing Tips: September 2000
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
property to none
removes the paragraph and reclaims the empty space, turning the visibility
property on and off just makes the paragraph transparent, without reflowing the page. Clicking the following link will turn off and on the visibility
of the first paragraph:Click here to remove or bring back the first paragraph below:
Mouse over this paragraph and see how the font size changes to size 30. Mouse out and see it go down to 8. This is a good way to pack more text on a window-size page and let the user magnify the paragraph currently being read. See how the browser reflows the page as if this paragraph was originally written with the current font size. Mouse over this paragraph and see how the font family changes to size Courier. Mouse out and see it changing to Arial. This is a good way to emphasize the paragraph currently being read. See how the browser reflows the page as if this paragraph was originally written with the current font family. We defined the link above as follows:
<SPAN STYLE="cursor: hand; color: tan" onClick="disappear(fontPar)">Click here to remove or
bring back the first paragraph below:</SPAN>
where the function disappear()
is defined as:
function disappear(obj) {
if ( == "hidden") { = "visible";
else { = "hidden";