August 27, 2000 - Inline Class Assignment
August 27, 2000 Inline Class Assignment Tips: August 2000
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
object's properties. Another way is to change the element's class
inline. Here is an example:
Mouse over me to see my over color. Then mouse out to see my out color.
Here is the HTML code:
.textTan {color: tan}
.textPurple {color: purple}
<H1 onMouseOver="this.className = 'textTan';" onMouseOut="this.className = 'textPurple';">Mouse over me
to see my over color. Then mouse out to see my out color.
.textTan {color: tan}
.textPurple {color: purple}
<H1 onMouseOver="this.className = 'textTan';" onMouseOut="this.className = 'textPurple';">Mouse over me
to see my over color. Then mouse out to see my out color.
Learn more about the subject in Column 66, Dynamic Styles.