August 27, 2000 - Inline Class Assignment | WebReference

August 27, 2000 - Inline Class Assignment

Yehuda Shiran August 27, 2000
Inline Class Assignment
Tips: August 2000

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

One way to change an element's style dynamically is to modify its style object's properties. Another way is to change the element's class inline. Here is an example:

Mouse over me to see my over color. Then mouse out to see my out color.

Here is the HTML code:
.textTan {color: tan}
.textPurple {color: purple}
<H1 onMouseOver="this.className = 'textTan';"  onMouseOut="this.className = 'textPurple';">Mouse over me 
to see my over color. Then mouse out to see my out color.

Learn more about the subject in Column 66, Dynamic Styles.