August 11, 2000 - Cross-Element Referencing via a Back Door
August 11, 2000 Cross-Element Referencing via a Back Door Tips: August 2000
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
property enables this back-door access. When you send the object this
to an event handling function, the ancestor form object cannot be restored, unless you use the back-door form
property of the element. The following example demonstrates this concept. When you click the button, the button's object (this
) is sent to the event handling function. This function accesses the second element of the form (text field) through the back-door form
property, and prints out the text entry currently displayed in the entry field. Here are the button and the text entry field:Here is the script and HTML segment that implement the above demo:
function getValue(otherElement) {
// -->
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="click me" onClick="getValue(this)">
<INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="Have you checked our latest tools?" SIZE=30>