July 27, 2000 - The removeExpression() Method
July 27, 2000 The removeExpression() Method Tips: July 2000
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
to remove the expression from the property of an element. The general syntax is:
object.style.removeExpression(dynamic property)
In Column 65, Dynamic Properties, we showed how to program the Solar System. To remove the expression for the left
property of the Sun, for example, you would go:
One of the script's features is that the user may move the Sun to anywhere on the page, by clicking on it, moving the cursor (without pressing), and then terminating the dragging by another mouse click. The Sun is initially set at the center of the client area, using dynamic properties:
oSun.style.setExpression("left", "document.body.clientWidth / 2 -
oSun.style.pixelWidth / 2");
oSun.style.setExpression("top", "document.body.clientHeight / 2 -
oSun.style.pixelHeight / 2");
But after the user moves the
Sun, leaving the expressions as they are will yield repositioning the Sun to
the center of the client area, nullifying the user's actions. To avoid that
problem, we remove the expression in the fnStartStopMoving()
function fnStartStopMoving() {
if (oSun.moving == true) {
oSun.moving = false;
intervalID = setInterval("triggerRecalculation()", frequencyOfRecalc);
else { // oSun.moving = false
oSun.clickOffsetX = event.clientX - oSun.offsetLeft;
oSun.clickOffsetY = event.clientY - oSun.offsetTop;
oSun.moving = true;
This function is called whenever
the user clicks the mouse. According to the moving
property, we can determine whether the Sun is currently being dragged or if
it's standing still. We remove the expression upon terminating the move. The
Sun is now exposed to changes in the client area (resizing etc.) without being
able to react to. The Sun will keep its absolute position with respect to the
window's (0,0) point, regardless of the window's size.
For more on Dynamic Properties, go to Column 65, Dynamic Properties.