April 15, 2000 - Windows Targeting | WebReference

April 15, 2000 - Windows Targeting

Yehuda Shiran April 15, 2000
Windows Targeting
Tips: April 2000

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

When you create a frame-setting document, the NAME attribute of the tag specifies the name of each frame:

  <FRAME NAME="left" SRC="toolbar.html">
  <FRAME NAME="right" SRC="index.html">

The NAME attribute specifies the name of the frame. In our example, the document specifies two frames ("left" and "right"). Within the toolbar.html document, the toolbar's links would look like this:

<A HREF="about.html" TARGET="right">About Us</A>
<A HREF="feedback.html" TARGET="right">Feedback</A> 

Note that the <FORM> tag also supports a TARGET attribute, which specifies the target window for the form's response. The <BASE> tag specifies a common target for all of the links (and forms) in a document:

<BASE TARGET="right">

The preceding tag defines a single target for all of the elements on the page. The following HTML elements support targets:


When used, the <BASE> element must appear within the HEAD of the document, before any elements that refer to an external source. If a <BASE> tag is specified, a link can override its default target by explicitly specifying a different target:

<BASE TARGET="right">
<A HREF="table.html" TARGET="_self">Table of Contents</A>
<A HREF="about.html">About Us</A>
<A HREF="feedback.html">Feedback</A> 

Learn more about windows creation and usage in Tutorial 1, Working with Windows.