April 14, 2000 - Manipulating Windows | WebReference

April 14, 2000 - Manipulating Windows

Yehuda Shiran April 14, 2000
Manipulating Windows
Tips: April 2000

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

Once you've got hold of a window variable, you can manipulate it by invoking various methods. Here is how you can close a window:

win = window.open("http://www.docjs.com/", "js");
JavaScript provides many other methods and properties that we can use to control the window. The following methods (N4+, IE4+) move, scroll, and resize a given window:

// move the screen position of the window to the specified x and y offset
window.moveTo(iX, iY)
// move the screen position of the window by the specified x and y offset
window.moveBy(iX, iY)
// scroll the window to the specified x and y offset
window.scrollTo(iX, iY)
// scroll the window by the specified x and y offset 
window.scrollBy(iX, iY)
// set the size of the window to the specified width and length
window.resizeTo(iWidth, iHeight)
// change the current size of the window by the specified x and y offset
window.resizeBy(iX, iY)

Notice that these methods belong to the window object, so they can be executed on the current window or any other referenced window. You can use the move() and resize() methods when you want to set the position or dimensions of a window dynamically, after it has been created.

Learn more about windows creation and usage in Tutorial 1, Working with Windows.