April 3, 2000 - Accelerated Math Operators | WebReference

April 3, 2000 - Accelerated Math Operators

Yehuda Shiran April 3, 2000
Accelerated Math Operators
Tips: April 2000

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
Doc JavaScript

JavaScript supports accelerated math operators, similarly to other programming languages such as C. The accelerated notation improves the program performance. For example, the statement:

a = a + 5;

can be written as:

a += 5;

All math operators can be accelerated. The statement:

b = b - 8;

can be written as:

b -= 8;


c = c % 2;

can be written as:

c %= 2;

We can rewrite the persistent random banner's code with accelerated math operators:

function refreshDocJSTOD(frequency) {
  var max = tips.length;
  var dateObj = new Date();
  switch(frequency) {
    case "month": // 0 - 11
      tipIndex = dateObj.getMonth();
    case "dayOfTheMonth": // 1 - 31
      tipIndex = dateObj.getDate() - 1 // 0 - 30
    case "dayOfTheWeek": // 0 - 6
      tipIndex = dateObj.getDay();
    case "hour": // 0 - 23
      tipIndex = dateObj.getHours();
    case "now": // Default
      tipIndex = getRandomIndex(max);
 tipIndex %= max;
function getRandomIndex(max) {
 var randomNum = Math.random();
 randomNum *= max;
 randomNum = parseInt(randomNum);
 if(isNaN(randomNum)) randomNum = 0; // for Netscape
 return randomNum;