March 20, 2000 - JukeBox Principles
March 26, 2000 JukeBox Principles Tips: March 2000
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
of rows. We append a <BR> tag to the end of each row, and thus forcing the new lines:
function buildBoard() {
for(var i = 0; i < maxRowCount; i++) {
We build each row by first cloning the squareNode
that we create in the main script:
var squareNode = document.createElement("IMG");
and then appending all nodes to the divNode
node. Here is the full function:
function addOneRow() {
for (var i = 0; i < maxColumnCount -1; i++) {
tempSquareNode = squareNode.cloneNode();
Similarly, we create the <BR>
node by cloning the brNode
that we create in the main script:
var brNode = document.createElement("BR");
and then appending each node to the divNode
node. Here is the full function for creating a single
function addBr() {
tempBrNode = brNode.cloneNode();
Learn more about our Snakes game in Column 46, A DOM-Based Snakes Game.