January 13, 2000 - The MAC's PRE Bug
January 13, 2000 The MAC's PRE Bug Tips: January 2000
Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.
<P>Here is Newton's second law:</P>
<P>Newton discovered his first law while sitting under a tree on a hot summer day.</P>
Here is how this paragraph displays on the PC or on the Mac's Navigator:
Here is Newton's second law: F = m * a;
Newton discovered his first law while sitting under a tree on a hot summer day.
On the Mac's Internet Explorer 4.5, you would get something like this:
Here is Newton's second law:
Notice that the middle line abuts to its following line. I hope Microsoft will fix it in Internet Explorer 5.0 for the Mac, coming up early 2000.F = m * a;
Newton discovered his first law while sitting under a tree on a hot summer day.
See more examples for this bug in Column 55, OLE Automation in JavaScript.