Netscape 6, Part III: The Event Model: The e Object's Properties - Doc JavaScript
Netscape 6, Part III: The Event Model
The e Object's Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values |
altKey | A Boolean that indicates whether the Alt key was pressed when triggering the event. | A Boolean |
bubbles | A Boolean that determines whether the event did continue to bubble up the hierarchy or not. | A Boolean |
button | The mouse button that triggered the event. | A string: "left" , "right" , or "middle" |
cancelable | A Boolean that determines whether the event is cancelable or not. Some events are not cancelable. | A Boolean |
cancelBubble | A Boolean that determines whether the event should continue to bubble up the hierarchy. | A Boolean |
ctrlKey | A Boolean that indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed when triggering the event. | A Boolean |
currentTarget | The object where the event currently is. Its event listener intercepted the event. | An object |
eventPhase | The current phase of the event. | 0 (capture), 1 (the event just hit the target object), or 3 (bubbling). |
keyCode | The ASCII value of the key that triggered the event. | An ASCII value |
shiftKey | A Boolean that indicates whether the Shift key was pressed when triggering the event. | A Boolean |
target | The event's target object. The object at which the event will turn around and bubble back up the hierarchy. | An object |
type | Type of the occurred event | Event names. Examples: "click" , "mouseover" , "mouseout" . |
Next: A Final Word
Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: January 1, 2001
Revised: January 1, 2001