Scripting the File System, Part I: FileExists() through GetBaseName() - Doc JavaScript | WebReference

Scripting the File System, Part I: FileExists() through GetBaseName() - Doc JavaScript

Scripting the File System, Part I

FileExists() through GetBaseName()


This method checks whether a file fileName exists. It returns true if it exists, and false otherwise. Here is a script that checks if file old.txt exists:

var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
fileBool = fso.FileExists("d:\\old.txt");

This method checks whether a folder folderName exists. It returns true if it exists, and false otherwise. Here is a script that checks if folder old exists:

var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
folderBool = fso.FolderExists("d:\\old");

This method returns a complete path from the provided pathName. As it echoes back the provided path, the need for this method is not clear.


This method returns a string containing the base name of pathName, without any extension or path. The use of this method is in applications that need to assemble file names on the basis of another file. For example, an application can name its output file using the base name of the executable (myapp.exe) and a different extenstion (myapp.out). The following script should pop up an alert box with the string myapp:

var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
baseName = fso.GetBaseName("f:\\yehuda\\js\\tips\\myapp.exe");

Next: How to use GetDriveName() through GetSpecialFolder()

Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran
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Created: November 20, 2000
Revised: November 20, 2000