Browser Compatibility: Common Object Detection Routines - Doc JavaScript | WebReference

Browser Compatibility: Common Object Detection Routines - Doc JavaScript

Common Object Detection Routines

In this section we'll present a list of common object detection routines. We'll regularly add more objects to the list. Feel free to send us requests and suggestions ([email protected]).

Object / StatementDescription
if (document.images) ...Does the browser support image rollovers and JavaScript-based animations?
*if (window.RegExp) ...Does the browser support regular expressions?
if (window.setInterval) ...Does the browser support setInterval()?
if (document.layers) ...Does the browser support layers?
if (window.Option) ...Does the browser support the Option object (usually for relational menus)?

*This object detection routine does not work with Internet Explorer 4.0 PR1 (Preview Release 1).

Created: November 4, 1997
Revised: December 4, 1997