Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part III: The ZIPProvider Object's Methods, Part I
Using JavaScript in HomeSite 4.0, Part III
The ZIPProvider Object's Methods, Part I
Extract(files) | Integer |
Extracts files from an archive. You can specify a single file, a set of files delimited by line breaks or an entire directory using wildcards. If left an empty string, all files will be extracted. The following line will extracts two files out of the archive:
ZIPProvider.Extract("d:\\yehuda\column50\test1.html" + "\n" +
The function returns a status code that tells whether the commands succeeded or, if failed, what was the problem. Here are the possible codes:
Status Code | Error |
0 | Success |
10 | WarningGeneral |
30 | WarningNoZipFile |
40 | WarningFilesSkipped |
50 | WarningEmptyZipFile |
100 | ErrorNoZipFile |
110 | ErrorZipStruct |
120 | ErrorMemory |
130 | ErrorBadCall |
140 | ErrorNothingToDo |
150 | ErrorDiskFull |
160 | ErrorEOF |
180 | ErrorLibInUse |
190 | ErrorUserAbort |
200 | ErrorTestFailed |
210 | ErrorZeroTested |
240 | ErrorDLLNotFound |
250 | ErrorInternalLogic |
280 | ErrorTempFile |
290 | ErrorRead |
300 | ErrorWrite |
310 | ErrorCantCreateFile |
350 | ErrorParentDir |
370 | ErrorNameRepeat |
380 | ErrorLatest |
400 | ErrorDOSError |
410 | ErrorMultidisk |
420 | ErrorWrongDisk |
430 | ErrorMultidiskBadCall |
440 | ErrorCantOpenBinary |
450 | ErrorCantOpenSfxConfig |
460 | ErrorInvalidEventParam |
470 | ErrorCantWriteSfx |
490 | ErrorBinaryVersion |
500 | ErrorNotLicensed |
510 | ErrorCantCreateDir |
Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran
Created: October 11, 1999
Revised: October 15, 1999