Text Rollovers: Introduction - Doc JavaScript | WebReference

Text Rollovers: Introduction - Doc JavaScript

Text Rollovers

If you're already using Internet Explorer 4.0, you've probably noticed CNET's special text rollovers. Just move the mouse over one of their menu links and it'll turn red. In this column we'll discuss such effects, and several other text rollovers that don't require any graphics at all. You'll need a fourth-generation browser to make the most out of this column, but you'll be able to learn the material even without one. So keep reading to find out:

  1. How to use onMouseOver and onMouseOut with plain text.
  2. How to change a link's color when the user points at it or removes the pointer from it.
  3. How to change a link's text when the user points at it or removes the pointer from it.
  4. How to generate these effects for an entire document.
  5. How to generate these effects for an entire site.
  6. How to provide workarounds for Netscape Navigator 4.0x.


Created: October 9, 1997
Revised: December 4, 1997
URL: https://www.webreference.com/js/column4/