JScript .NET, Part VII: Consuming add from ASP.NET: JScripting for ASP.NET - Doc JavaScript | WebReference

JScript .NET, Part VII: Consuming add from ASP.NET: JScripting for ASP.NET - Doc JavaScript

JScript .NET, Part VII: Consuming add from ASP.NET

JScripting for ASP.NET

The top portion of an ASP.NET page includes two types of directions. First, the scripting language is specified:

<%@ Page LANGUAGE="JScript" %>

Secondly, you need to specify the namespaces you want to import. For example:

<%@ import namespace="calcService" %>

Remember calcService from Page 4? This is the namespace you specified during the wsdl command.

ASP.NET pages may include JScript .NET code, much the same as an HTML page may include JavaScript code. The JScript .NET section follows the directives. It has two functions, Page_Load() and Submit_Click(). This is the Page_load() function:

public function Page_Load(sender:Object, E:EventArgs) : void {
  resultControl.Enabled = false;

The server always runs the Page_Load() function when loading an ASP.NET page. The name of the function should always be Page_Load() or else the server won't do what you want it to do during loading the page. In this particular case, we disable the result ASP:TEXTBOX field, because it is used only for displaying the addition result.

The second function, Submit_Click(), is the event handler of the ASP:BUTTON control:

public function Submit_Click(sender:Object, E:EventArgs) : void {
  var result : String;
  var webService : simpleCalc;
  webService = new simpleCalc();
  result = webService.add(int.Parse(first.Text),
  resultControl.Text = result;

We define an object webService of the simpleCalc class. The class simpleCalc is the Web service class, and is stored in the simpleCalc namespace of the .NET framework (see Page 4). We call the Web service by calling the add() method of the object webService. We pass the two input integer numbers to add(). The value of the ASP:TEXTBOX control is its Text field. Therefore, the two input numbers are first.Text and second.Text. Since they are textual entries, we need to parse them as integer values by sending them to the method int.Parse().

The answer sent back by the Web service is stored in result. Finally, the value of result is written in the ASP:TEXTBOX entry of resultControl.

Next: How to consume the add Web service

Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: June 30, 2002
Revised: June 30, 2002

URL: https://www.webreference.com/js/column113/7.html